domingo, 2 de outubro de 2016

Painting Description

              La Guernica is a painting produced in 1937 by Picasso, one of the most important Spanish painters, and one of creators of the cubism(an artistic style that has arisen in the beginning of the twentieth century). This painting represents the bombing suffered for the Spanish city of Guernica on 26th of April 1937 by Germany planes, supporting the dictator Francisco Franco. Recently, this panel is in Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, in Madrid(Spain).
               At my opinion, this is one of the most touching and remarkable paintings I ever seen. The use of  the colors black and white represents the sadness and despair of the inhabitants of this city(it represents the repudiation of Picasso to the bombing too) and, the existence of various components in this paint create a feeling of agitation and a fusion of happenings.
               In this paint, there are some Spanish references, like the bull on the left and what more impress me is the fact that this painting seems  beeing in a constant movement(the characters of this paint seem move themselves like a ballet of disasters and acrobatics with frenetic moves).
                The sorrow and suffering are shown in this paint, mainly, by the woman that cries and holds her dead son on her arms. This panel has been produced with oil paint and it measures 350 per 782cm. After 79 years of the bombing and the production of this paint we can see that a war is something that affects not only the soldiers or the countries, but the population too.
                                                                                                                 By José Alberto

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